Brenda Dudley
RN, BSN, MBA, Mentor
Exploring Your Energy

Improving the world through energetic healing and unconditional love.  Use scientific knowledge to promote understanding.
From the Desk of Brenda Dudley
Written on July 21, 2016
My focus is on improving oneself using education and science with a focus on energy.
Let’s look at science
…..Everything is Energy
The Universe cannot be put into simple terms. You have to bend your mind to be able to understand it. Don Lincoln once described it this way, “Everything – and I mean everything – is just a consequence of many infinitely-large fields vibrating. The entire Universe is made up of fields playing a vast, subatomic symphony. Physicists are trying to understand the melody.”
Dr. Hal Puthoff, trained at Stanford University, said “…people of some credibility and credentialing are willing to come forth and say, despite the giggle factor in this area, we think there is something there that should be taken more seriously” when referring to the energy of empty space.
Or…what about the words of Lawrence Krauss…. “There appears to be energy of empty space that isn’t zero! This flies in the face of all conventional wisdom in theoretical particle physics. It is the most profound shift in thinking, perhaps the most profound puzzle, in the latter half of the 20th century. And it may be the first half of the 21st century, or maybe go all the way to the 22nd century. Because, unfortunately, I happen to think we won’t be able to rely on experiment to resolve this problem”.
If it is true that an atom, at the smallest level does not have a structure and you see nothing, then using the words of Lawrence Krauss again, “how do we know empty space can have energy? The answer is, we know empty space isn’t empty, because it’s full of these virtual particles that pop in and out of existence, and we know that because if you try and calculate the energy level in a hydrogen atom, and you don’t include those virtual particles, you get a wrong answer. One of the greatest developments in physics in the 20th century was to realize that when you incorporate special relativity in quantum mechanics you have virtual particles that can pop in and out of existence, and they change the nature of a hydrogen atom, because a hydrogen atom isn’t just a proton and electron”.
“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr
Quantum physics challenges our current framework of thinking and can seem a bit eerie.
Nothing is solid and everything is made up of energy.
“Despite the unrivaled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.”
 (T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001)

Thanks so much for visiting,
Brenda Dudley
Founder of
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